Calling all EPE Artists!
Posted on Apr. 9, 2024Our Art Show is coming up on May 3rd. Students who wish to enter art in the Freestyle Art category have until April 29th to submit their creations.
Our Art Show is coming up on May 3rd. Students who wish to enter art in the Freestyle Art category have until April 29th to submit their creations.
Many of our classes enjoyed learning about the solar eclipse today! The 3A's watched two live streams simultaneously of the solar eclipse. They watched a live stream from Nasa and one from the Telus World…
The 5As were busy building their own water cycles in the Maker Space room.
We require 2 volunteers for our hot dog lunch next Thursday, April 11th. Please contact the office if you're able to help. Thanks!
The Kindergartens and 3As have paired up for some buddy reading. The kindergartens read their leveled readers and the grade 3s read a picture book to their kindergarten buddy. What amazing readers we…
Today is World Autism Awareness Day. The 3As lit their classroom up blue!
A reminder there is no school from March 25 - April 1 for Spring Break and Easter. Classes resume on Tuesday, April 2. Division offices are also closed on Friday, March 29 and Monday, April 1. We would…
We had a wonderful afternoon today, participating in outdoor events during our Carnival. Thank you for organizing it, Mrs. Dewan!
Tomorrow (Friday) is Easter Day at EPE. Wear your best Easter-inspired outfits! Tomorrow afternoon is also our Carnival. Students will be outside participating in various events and should be dressed…